Цитаты из
фильма Dogma (ХII)
I’m gonna have to pass. - I beg your pardon? - When some quiet little
infection destroyed my uterus, where was God? When my husband decided he
couldn’t be with a wife who couldn’t bear his children where was God? To Hell with
pass |
[pa:s] |
1.исчезать, прекращаться the pain ~ed – боль
прошла 2.делать замечание,
высказывать (суждение) |
uterus |
[‘ju:t∂r∂s] |
матка |
Don’t allow eons of history and life to get blinked out of
being just because you’ve got a grudge against your Creator. So you lost the
ability to make life. You’re being offered the chance to play mother to the
world by acting like one and protecting it -- saving it!
eon = aeon сущ. 1) бесконечность, вечность Syn: eternity
2) геол. эра Syn: period |
blink |
[bliŋk] |
1.мигать, щуриться
2.мерцать 3.закрыать глаза (at – на что-л.) |
grudge |
[grΛd3] |
недовольство, недоброжелательство |
But I can’t make you. However, if you should decide to
stop being selfish and accept your responsibility you won’t be alone. You’ll
have support.
activity |
[æk’tiv∂ti] |
деятельность |
engage |
[in’geid3] |
2.заниматься (чем-л.) to ~ in discussion – принять участие в дискуссии to be ~d in smth. – заниматься чем-л. |
What? More angels? - Prophets. In a manner of speaking. Two of’em. The
one who speaks and he will, at great length, whether you want him to or not
will make mention of himself as a prophet.
The other one well, he’s the quiet type. Look, l’ve gotta
go. Remember, we’re working in a time frame here.
Ладно, мне пора. Я превысил все существующие лимиты.