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Цитаты из фильма "Dogma" (IV) Who sent the paper? - Who
cares who sent the paper? All that matters is
that after all these years, we found a loop hole. He can’t keep us out
Once we’re back in, it’ll
be forgive and forget. But this thing, this is
Church law. It’s not Divine Mandate.
Church laws are fallible
because they’re created by man.
One of the last sacred promises
imparted to Peter, the first pope by the Son of God before He left was
"Whatever you hold true on Earth--" - "l’ll hold true in
It’s dogmatic law. If the
Church says it’s so, God must adhere. .
This thing has a papal
sanction. There’s just one thing
I think we gotta do before we leave. This is gonna help us get back on His
good side. - What? Here. I’ve been dreaming
about this for five years. Read that. - "Mooby, the Golden Calf.
Creating an Empire Out of Simplicity.” -
I wanna hit 'em. You really are just a
simple creature. We finally find a way back and you want to jeopardize that
because you’ve got a soft spot for the good old days.
What better way to
repent than by resuming the position I once denied thanks to you?
I don’t think a killing
spree is gonna make things better for us. Killing spree? I’m talking about
Divine Justice here.
I’m talking about
reigning down fire and brimstone, punishing the wicked.
He’s all about that. - I
know He’d want this done. There hasn’t been an
Angel of Death since you quit. Doesn’t that mean
anything to you? And besides, what if you’re wrong, like you always are?
If I’m wrong-- which l’m
not—it’s not gonna matter. We’re gonna pass through your arch thing anyway.
We’re gonna be forgiven. No harm, no foul.
Well, He does hate
competition. I will say that. And your Mooby certainly falls under that
Where is this church we
have to go to? - New Jersey. Rededication ceremony is in four days. |
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